Friday, September 2, 2011

Chris Langan - 'World's Smartest Man'

Chris Langan was listed in Guinness Book of World Records as being the worlds smartest person--in other words, the highest scoring on the hardest IQ test. The smartest person slot in Guinness was dropped because it wasn't politically correct.
Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

This man was also profiled in "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. Apparently having the highest IQ doesn't equip you for success by itself. He spends his days at trivial jobs like bar bouncing, and devotes all spare time to intensely thinking on philosophy.
What do you guys think- is this just what he was born to do? Where would you take yourself in life, with a cerebral engine under your hood this powerful? Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ran across this guy's website yesterday.
He gets really intellectual with philosophy, humor and even some conspiracy theory- easy and deep at the same time. Great examples used for everything- seems like a really bright and quirky man. He even puts up his hate mail for display ( Seriously, check this out.

Want to jump into something really interesting? Earth Minimal Language Tutorial: a guide to a universal language. (

Here, he has plans for a real life Iron Man

And if you don't like reading, here's a tall page pinned up and down with youtubes (

Seriously, check this out (have I said that yet?).